Seeing a cat abandoned on the road, with all his belongings, really struck a chord with many New York City residents.
The cat was left on Nostrand Ave in NYC and sat there for two hours, just crying for help. He was eventually scared away by a street cleaner.
The photo of the cat was posted of Facebook and it instantly caused outrage.
"I'm so angry I can't think straight."
"Makes me want to cry."
"Terrible what was done to this poor kitty."

Michael Dietrich of HOPE Staten Island Animal Rescue heard about the helpless cat and went to look for him. Neighbors joined in, looking everywhere people had reported seeing the little guy, but he was already gone whenever they got there.
"We got reported sightings but were never able to act fast enough. Then this AM, the call came in from a local TNR advocate and cat rescuer in retirement, Karen Oh, [who] found him in her backyard." Everyone involved was thrilled.

An organization called FAT Cats (Flatbush Area Team for Cats) provided an update of the little guy, who has since been named after his place of abandonment.
"Here at Flatbush Area Team for Cats, we are ecstatic to give a happy update to last week's story of Nostrand, the cat abandoned on Nostrand Ave. We immediately rushed over to find, that yes indeed, it was him! We immediately brought him to get vetted, and screened for a microchip. No microchip, but we are happy to say he is a healthy one-year-old male, FeLV/FIV negative, who was treated for fleas."

Many people were concerned about Nostrand, and have offered to take the cat home with them. FAT Cats says they'll be phoning potential adopters soon.
"Thank you to everyone for your prayers, good thoughts, and efforts to find Nostrand. We will be contacting people that offered to foster/adopt him. If you are interested in him or any of our other adult cats please contact us at"