Many people across the American midwest who deal with tornadoes on a regular basis are prepared for the storm. Whether they have a shelter underground, or a basement stocked with supplies, when the warning comes they know where to hide.
Charlesletta Williams a 75-year-old woman from Marion County, Texas heard the roar of the approaching storm and had to think quickly.
She had been at home with her son Rickey when they realized the storm was going to hit their home. Her son suggested they seek refuge in the tub - advice meteorologists recommended for those without a storm shelter.
Since bathtubs are heavy and typically anchored to pipes, they are ideal in these types of storms.
While she and her son were crouched inside the tub and threw a blanket over themselves for protection. That's when the storm lifted it straight up and they began spinning around.
"I can't tell you how high we were. It just felt like someone placed us on the ground," Rickey said.
Moments later they were on the ground sprawled 20 feet apart.
"A woman inside took shelter in a bathtub," says the storm damage survey team's report. "The tornado lifted the tub out of the home and deposited it in the woods with the woman still in the tub."
Rickey crawled over to his elderly mom and laid across her body to protect her from flying deprise. He then asked if she was alive.
"Yes, but I can't breathe because you're suffocating me," he said she told him.
Their home was destroyed, but aside from some scrapes and bruises they are fine.
"I'm blessed," she told KYTX. "I couldn't live through another one. I'd have a heart attack."
Their home was one of 15 that were leveled during the extreme weather event. Fortunately no one was seriously injured during the EF2 tornado.
"I wasn't looking. I was under that quilt," she admitted.
The storm didn't scare into going anywhere though. She says she has plans to build another home in the exact same spot.
Source: Huffington Post / KSLA