Romeo and Juliet is considered the greatest love story of all time. The tragic tale of two lovers committing suicide has inspired many books and movies - but this plot was real, and the sad ending isn't one anyone wants to see.
An 11-year-old boy is dead after his 13-year-old girlfriend faked her suicide. In his grief he took his own life.
His mother says this wasn't a plan to be together forever though. She calls it a cruel prank from a mean-spirted girl and her friends.

Katrina Goss says her son, Tysen Benz, was "the most amazing kid that you would ever know." He excelled in sports, was friends with everyone and always had a kind word for people. He also loved his girlfriend, even when he was only still figuring out what love even meant.
Tysen's girlfriend used social media to fake her own suicide, and then used her friend's accounts to make Tysen believe it. He never doubted, and even told them that he was going to kill himself too.
They never told him the truth, tried to stop him or told an adult.
Tysen's mother found him hanging from his neck in his bedroom.

Michigan police have laid a juvenile charge of telecommunication for malicious use against someone in relation to this case. They won't release a name, age or say how the suspect is involved.
Goss knows who she blames.
"I do feel like she took advantage of a younger boy to control and manipulate him," she told reporters. "She should be held legally responsible for this prank."
Now the heartbroken mother is trying to raise awareness of social media bullying and its potentially deadly consequences.
With laws protecting juvenile offender's identity we'll likely never know how this story ends, but we can hope Goss makes an impact and helps to end this cruel behavior.