One pup was given a second chance to be loved. A man bought her from a market that was selling dogs trapped in bags that were meant to be slaughtered for meat.
Twitter user Xingyi Danielle from Singapore, posted about her dad who was stationed in China for work coming across the dogs and knew he had to act.
"His environment isn't dog-friendly so he couldn't buy more," Danielle told The Dodo. "But [he] at least got to save one."

Continue to the next page to see what he looks like now.
For about $90 he was able to take the dog home and release it from the bag it was being kept in.
He even gave the new pup a name. "Its basically Doggo pronounced in Cantonese, actually," she said.
The place that her father is staying doesn't allow pets, so Doggo is staying at his office until better arrangements can be made.

"My dad's colleagues are complaining about the mess Doggo is making, but he's still trying his best to provide a good environment for him," said Danielle.

In spite of the less than ideal living arrangements, Doggo is enjoying his new life.

Although most people in China do not eat dog meat, millions of dogs are bought and sold each year by those who do. With the recent ban of the dog meat festival, people are hopeful that sales like this are on the decline.
Still this random act of kindness by a stranger, is praised by animal lovers everywhere.

"I was quite proud, to be honest," said Danielle.