It seems like every day there's a new viral singing sensation that takes the world by storm, but Dane Miller stands apart from the crowd.

The 9-year-old from Prosper, Texas was recorded by his family singing along to Whitney Houston's hit song "I Have Nothing" from the soundtrack to The Bodyguard last week. Since then, millions have seen and shared the adorable video of Dane backing up the musical legend.
It's a cute video, but it also has a special meaning for the Miller family, because Dane was born with Down syndrome. He's very high functioning, meaning he can talk - and sing - just like most kids.
But sometimes a song just seems to capture his imagination, and that's what happened when his parents played Whitney Houston for him.
"We did just watch a documentary on her about a month ago, and so he started downloading some of her songs and that was the one he just got stuck on," his mom Danna told ABC.
Dane has a big voice for such a little kid, and he's not afraid to sing along when Houston hits the high notes.
Hear Dane's viral performance on the next page!
For the Miller family, the best part of Dane's viral fame has been connecting with other parents with children who have Down syndrome.
Posted by Jeanne Miller on Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Strangers have shared messages, stories and even photos of their kids with the Millers online, along with videos of their own children singing along to their favorite songs.
"Just reading the comments, they're so sweet. I get emotional," Danna said. "When we had Dane, we didn't know that he had Down syndrome, but it wouldn't have mattered.
"He has been probably the biggest blessing of our lives. He is just so loving and joyful. He is what's good about this world."
To continue sharing Dane and his "vibrant" personality with the world, the Millers have started a YouTube account called Amazing Dane featuring more clips and covers from the little boy.
They say that along with Whitney Houston he loves Taylor Swift, so maybe we'll see his take on "Shake It Off" soon!
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[H/T: ABC 13]