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9 Tips For a Healthier Smile

An AACD survey revealed that 99.7% of people who were surveyed believed a healthy smile is important socially. Whether we are nervous about other people's perceptions or because we become self-conscious when our smiles aren't perfect, our smiles are important. That's why it's so important to make sure you have the healthiest smile possible. Here are a few tips to help you have the healthiest smile that you can.

Keep It Routine

The most important step in making sure you have a healthy smile is regularly taking care of your teeth. The American Dental Association says that you should brush your teeth twice a day, so make sure that you're brushing your teeth once in the morning and once at night as part of your routine. Flossing daily is also a recommendation that most dentists make, so try to incorporate flossing into your nighttime routine to ensure that you're limiting the amount of buildup you get in between your teeth.

Watch What You Eat

There are some foods that are better for your teeth than others -- namely those high in processed sugars, soy sauce, tomato sauce, and dark fruit like cherries. These foods can cause staining and decay if you have too much of them. If you are eating these foods regularly, make sure that you're brushing your teeth after consuming them to prevent the negative side effects from setting in. Overall though, limiting these foods in your diet is the best way to prevent damage to your teeth.

Think About Braces

If you're self-conscious about your teeth, there's no shame in getting some braces. Of all of the people with braces, about 25% are over the age of 18. There are even braces specifically designed to be as unnoticeable as possible, which makes it even easier to get away with having braces without anyone noticing. Once you no longer feel self-conscious about your teeth, you can start showing off that healthy smile once again.

Get Regular Dental Cleanings

You should be going to the dentist every six months for a dental cleaning and checkup. These appointments will usually entail a deep cleaning of your teeth, which you need even with regular brushing and flossing. On top of that, your dental technician will be able to find any issues that may be present with your teeth and gums and alert your dentist. This way you can get treatment for any issues you have as soon as they pop up instead of having to wait until things are bad enough to feel pain. Fortunately, most dental insurance plans, like Aflac dental insurance, will cover routine dental cleanings.

Use Mouthwash

Mouthwash can be helpful for many reasons and choosing to use it is a great way to freshen up your breath during the day. Depending on the kind you use, mouthwash can help in a multitude of different ways. Make sure to check the label of any mouthwash you buy for what advantages they may offer. It's also important to check the label if you have any sensitivity in your mouth since many types of mouthwash can be quite harsh on your mouth.

Limit Drinks That Stain or Damage Your Teeth

Similarly to limiting foods that will negatively impact your teeth, you should watch out for drinks that will damage them. Coffee, tea, and red wine have all been known to cause staining on teeth, and if you drink them regularly you should make sure to take extra care so that staining doesn't occur. On the other hand, there are some drinks that can significantly increase the chances of suffering tooth decay, such as caffeinated energy drinks, sports drinks, and soda. Make sure to drink all of these things in moderation if you're drinking them to avoid having problems with your teeth.

Go Electric

Electric toothbrushes are a great way to make sure that you're getting the best possible clean when it comes to your teeth. Electric toothbrushes are able to get more scrubbing done in less time than a traditional brush, and the vibrating can also help loosen anything that may be stuck in your teeth. Some electric toothbrushes even have built-in timers to ensure that you're brushing your teeth for long enough. Make sure not to forget about your gums when you're brushing as well!

Drink Enough Water

Drinking enough water has many benefits, like keeping your body properly hydrated and being readily available, and there are even more benefits when it comes to your teeth. If you drink tap water, there is fluoride included in it, which means that you're helping your teeth more than if you're just drinking bottled water. In addition, regularly drinking water can help keep your teeth clean, especially if you don't have time to brush your teeth and you've been consuming things that are bad for your teeth in some way.

If you're an athlete, try to fuel with water instead of energy or sports drinks during your workout -- the sugar in those drinks is often bad for your teeth. If you still want some electrolytes in your drink, consider looking for sugar-free options or diluting your sports drink with water to make sure that you're not drinking straight sugar.

Don't Chew on Non-Food Items

If you have the habit of chewing on a pen cap, your fingernails, or something else, it's probably a good idea to drop the habit. Chewing on these items that aren't meant to be chewed on can have a negative impact on your teeth since you'll be wearing away at your teeth over time. You can look for some sugar-free or otherwise non-damaging gums to help you break the habit. Talk with your dentist about the best crutches when you're trying to wean yourself off of the habit of chewing non-food items.

Making sure that you feel confident is important, and that's one of the reasons why taking care of your teeth is important. Your teeth are very important when it comes to feeling confident in your appearance, and these tips can help you work towards having a healthy and beautiful smile. A perfect smile may take time and consistency, but it's still possible. Make sure to talk with your dentist before making any big changes in your dental routine.

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