You'd think that when people decide to get something permanently etched on their skin, they'd make sure that it turns out error-free, but unfortunately even those with the best intentions aren't immune to embarrassing tattoo mistakes.
Many of our favorite tatted-up stars have ended up with some glaring grammar or spelling mistakes or the names of their former flames inked on their skin. Surprisingly, a lot of them have learned to live with it.
Here are 9 celebrities with embarrassing tattoo mistakes:
1. Hayden Panettiere

The Nashville star's side tattoo reads "Vivere senza rimipianti," meaning "Live without regrets" in Italian. As nice as it sounds, it is spelled incorrectly with "rimipianti" having one too many i's.
2. Rihanna

The Diamonds singer unfortunately has not one, but TWO tattoo mistakes. The most visible one is the phrase "rebelle fleur" on the side of her neck. The French words translate to "flower rebel" instead of "rebellious flower," which is reportedly what she wanted written. Rihanna also has the word "forgiveness" misspelled in sanskrit inked on her side.
3. Johnny Depp

Depp's tattoo faux pas should be a lesson to us all. Never get your partner's name inked on your body because unfortunately breakups happen. The Pirates of the Caribbean star had Winnona Ryder's name on his arm while they dated in the 90s. The tattoo initially read "Winona Forever," but following their breakup he changed it to "Wino Forever" instead.
4. Britney Spears

The princess of pop's tiny hip tattoo is supposed to read "mysterious" in Chinese lettering, but it actually translates to "strange" instead.
5. David Beckham

The famous soccer player has 40 tattoos and they all have a deep meaning behind them. But, it's his tribute to his wife, Victoria, that has everyone cringing. Just like Rihanna, Beckham's sanskrit tattoo is supposed to read "Victoria," but wound up being "Vihctoria." Oops!
6. Ashley Greene

The Twilight star has bewildered a lot of grammar freaks with her "Life's a dance" tattoo. If you look closely you'll notice that it's missing an apostrophe.
7. Amanda Seyfried

Maybe it's an inside joke or maybe it's a spelling error, but one thing is for sure - we'll never know what the meaning behind Amanda Seyfried's 'Minge' tattoo. After all, it's not part of the English dictionary.
8. Jon Gosselin

If Johnny Depp's case wasn't convincing enough to make you re-think getting someone's name on your skin, maybe Jon Gosselin's oopsie will. The former reality star got his girlfriend's name, "Erin", embedded within a massive Korean dragon tattoo on his back, but it's spelled wrong. Her name is actually Ellen.
9. Angelina Jolie

The Tomb Raider actress is a big fan of body art. At one point she had close to 20 tattoos, but got rid of a few over the years. While married to her second husband, Billy Bob Thornton, Jolie got his name tattood on her arm right above an Asian-inspired dragon. Their relationship ended in 2002 and the actress got the ink removed after she started to date Brad Pitt.
"I'll never be stupid enough to have a man's name tattooed on me again," Jolie said in an interview.
She covered up the faded remnants of the erased tatoo with coordinates representing the birth places of her children, but she didn't learn from her first mistake. In February 2016, she got a traditional Thai tattoo that apparently binds her to her Brad. The pair split just 6 months later.
Do you have an embrassing tattoo mistake? Let us know in the comments!