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8 Times The Pope and Babies Proved God's Love

Not a day goes by the Pope Francis doesn't make headlines. He's been changing tradition and speaking his mind since he became pope in 2013. Billions have fallen in love with Pope Francis because of his honesty, integrity and willingness to support just about everyone.

One group in particular seems to be fond of Francis: babies.

Here's a look at some of the happiest babies who have met Pope Francis.

Catholic Herald
The Inquisitir
Life News

More proof that this pope is the Babies Pope on the next page!

The pope is not a politician, he speaks his mind and doesn't care about sound bytes or photo ops. That's what's so special about his interaction with children - he actually cares!

Huffington Post

The papacy is steeped in tradition, and all followers are expected to observe that tradition. Good luck trying to tell these kids that though.

Indian Express

In fact, maybe a bit of rule breaking is just the right thing to make the Pope smile - like this "Baby Pope" that stole the show in Philadelphia.

This is the most popular pope in a generation, and he's doing his best to keep that going.

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