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7 Common Stains And How To Easily Get Them Out From What's In Your Cupboard

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Stains happen everyday and all stains come out differently. Some are okay to just throw in the washer, and when we put others in the wash, it will make the stain permanent. Here's a list of ways to get every common stain out with products you have in your cupboard.

1. Red Wine

If the stain is on a carpet, it's best to dab the stain to remove any wine that hasn't been absorbed yet. You can use paper towels or a clean cloth. In a small bowl, pour two cups of warm water. Mix one tablespoon of white vinegar and one tablespoon of dish washing liquid.

Do the same with clothing and wash it immediately after.

2. Chocolate


Gently wipe as much of the excess chocolate as you can, making sure not to to push the stain deeper into the fibers. Next, remove as much chocolate as you can using cold running water from the back of the stain. Soak in a solution of detergent and water for at least 30 minutes before washing as usual.

3. Gum

There are a few ways you can remove gum from clothing.

Lemon juice: This method is extremely cheap, and causes no damage to fabric. All you have to do is soak the garment in lemon juice and scrape the gum off with a hard edge. It will come off with this method but wash the clothing soon after doing this process.

Hairspray: Apply the hairspray directly onto the chewing gum and it will harden. Then just scrape the chewing gum off.

Vinegar: Soak the garment in hot vinegar, then brush or scrape the gum off gently with a blunt tool to avoid damaging the fabric.

Mayonnaise: Pour this onto the chewing gum and rub it in slowly. The gum should then peel off smoothly.

4. Sweat stains

Sweat stains can be the most frustrating and embarrassing stains to have. Luckily, there is a solution to this problem.

Aspirin: Crush two aspirins and mix the powder in 1/2 cup warm water. Soak the stained part of the garment in the solution for two to three hours.

Salt: Dissolve four tablespoons salt in one liter hot water. Then sponge the garment with the solution until the stain disappears.

Vinegar: Pour a bit of vinegar directly onto the stain, and rub it into the fabric before placing the item in the wash.

5. Grease or oil

Pour baking soda on the stain, then if you have an old toothbrush or even a cloth, brush the baking soda into the stain until it creates clumps. Brush it off, and add a bit of dish detergent and brush it again. Then you can throw it in with the rest of your laundry and it will come out stainless!

6. Coffee

Club Soda: Dab the stain first to remove any excess liquid. Then spray it with club soda, making sure to soak the stained area. Work the club soda into the stain with your finger or a soft dish brush. Allow it to sit on the stain for 5-10 minutes, then rinse in cool water. Repeat as needed until the stain is gone.

Vinegar: Work the vinegar into the stain using your finger or a soft brush. Allow it to sit on the stain for 5-10 minutes before rinsing with cool water. Repeat as needed until the stain is gone.

7. Grass

Rubbing alcohol: Use a 50/50 mixture of alcohol and water and use a cloth to rub the stain and remove it. Add more alcohol if the stain isn't coming off, and the clothes don't seem affected by the rubbing alcohol.

Detergent and water: Soak the stain in a water and detergent mixture, then wash the garment as usual. Don't put the item in the clothes dryer until you've checked the stain has definitely gone.

Stain removal doesn't have to be a pain in the butt!

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