After returning home from a play-date with a friend, three-year-old Isabella has her mom, Sarah Bryan in a tizzy.

The fashion designer immediately fired off an angry email that demanded her friend, Nicola Gibbs pay for a new pair of boots for her daughter, or face further action.
The 28-year-old single mom of 2 was fuming when she saw the state of her daughter's shoes.
"If your child comes back with scratches on their body, you'd be like "˜what's happened?' It's the same with her shoes. She's not supposed to go outside with them," she said. "Wherever she goes, she goes with a bag of other shoes.

The fashion designer claims that her daughter is a model and her clothes usually come from a Spanish boutique.
"These boots are important for her modelling work because they match her outfits," she said.
Sarah admitted that her daughter owns about 60 pairs of shoes and only wears designer labels.
So why was she so upset?
The email the 33-year-old mother of three received from Sarah read: "I am disgusted to see her new Italian leather shoes are all scuffed and have a Sharpie (pen) mark on them so below is the bill for these replacing (sic)."
"As a designer you can imagine I do not want my child to look anything less than pristine."
Since she wants her daughter to have a career in fashion, she makes her appearance an important factor in their lives.
"Bella is just starting out in modelling and I make sure she is always dressed head to toe in designer gear," her mother said.
"It's fine for other parents to dress their kids in cheap Primark gear, but I think Bella to want to be more than that and I'm happy to spend money to make her look good and feel special," she said.
She does admit that not everyone can afford to dress their kids the way she does.
"Obviously shoes get scuffed on the soles, but these look like they've been worn for a year, not for a few hours.

"There's also a big black mark on the toe where they've been drawn on. I was devastated when I saw them."

"Nicola was in charge and she was looking after my child, so she's responsible for the damage."
Sarah was asking Nicola to pay £325 (approximately $533) to replace the boots.

Nicola's response was fairly simple, "I don't know what her problem is to be honest," she said.
"She must have more money than sense if shes going to pay that much for a pair of shoes for her daughter and then complain when they get ruined."
As a mother of three kids, she knows a bit about mess.
"Kids are kids, they get messy, they ruin things, that's life," she said.

In the end Sarah used her fashion design skills to create something new.
"I actually think scribbling on shoes is actually pretty cool made New shoes for Isabella out of her old old Spanish shoes," she tweeted.
I actually think scribbling on shoes is actually pretty cool 😂 made New shoes for Isabella out of her old old Spanish shoes 😂
— Sarah Bryan (@Itssarahbryan) January 6, 2017
What do you think? Should the mother have to replace the boots?
Source: Mirror / Shared / Daily Mail