We already showed you five places that would make your skin crawl and your hair stand on end just by visiting them. Well, we think we have a list that will top that one, and this time, some of them will actually let you spend the night there. Are you brave enough?
1. Waverly Hills Sanatorium - Louisville, Kentucky

Depending on who you ask, Waverly Hills Sanatorium is the most haunted place on the face of the earth. The building originally opened in 1910 in order to accommodate roughly 45 patients suffering from Tuberculosis. The hospital expanded in 1926 once an outbreak of TB (often referred to as the White Plague) ravaged Jefferson County, Kentucky. It is estimated that hundreds of people died in the building during the tuberculosis outbreak.
TB was a devastating condition, killing thousands of people across the U.S. Doctors tried everything they could to combat the disease, and often these treatments (being somewhat experimental) were just as bad as the disease itself.
Though those patients who did enter Waverly suffering from TB, and survived, left through the front door of the complex, the hospital was equipped with a "body shoot" where the remains of the dead were dumped down so that other patients wouldn't know the extent of the mortality rate.
In the late 1930s, the TB epidemic was no longer a massive threat because of the advent of antibiotics to combat the condition in 1943. The hospital eventually shut down, but was re-opened again in 1962 as the Woodhaven Geriatrics Sanitarium. Woodhaven was plagued with stories of abuse, neglect, and even experimentation of patients. Though some of the rumors turned out to be false, some of them were largely true and based on morbid facts. In 1982, the state of Kentucky closed the facility permanently.
But after over 60 years of death, suffering and indignity, is it any wonder that the Waverly Hills Sanatorium is considered one of the most haunted buildings on earth?
2. The Tower of London - London, England

The Tower of London was founded in 1066, but the White Tower that gives the complex its name wasn't built until 1078. It has been used as a royal residence, an armory, the Royal Mint, a public records office, and the home of the Crown Jewels. But its most infamous use was for that of a prison.
Despite rumors to the contrary, only seven people were executed inside the tower itself, with the majority of executions taking place on nearby Tower Hill. Though only seven were executed, torture was a common occurrence, and it's safe to assume that some perished during these sessions. The Tower even had a cell that was built so that any occupant could neither stand up, nor lie down in any comfort.
The Tower's most famous ghost is that of Anne Boleyn, who was beheaded in 1536 for treason against Henry VIII. Her ghost is said to walk the halls of the Tower, and has been reported on many occasions by multiple witnesses.
Other ghosts that have been reported to haunt the Tower are that of; Henry VI, Lady Jane Grey, Margaret Pole, and the Princes in the Tower.
The Tower of London is now one of Britain's main tourist attractions so you can take a look for yourself.
3. Ancient Ram Inn - Gloucestershire, England

Another candidate for the most haunted building in the world, The Ancient Ram Inn is just that, ancient. The inn was first built in 1145, by St. Mary's Church, and was used by priests as a place to keep slaves and workers who helped to build St. Mary's Church. The inn became a private property in 1930, when it was purchased by Maurice de Bathe. It has since been bought and sold multiple times. The current owner, John Humphries, actually lives in the building and has allowed several different paranormal societies to enter and conduct investigations. It has also been featured on several television shows including Ghost Adventures which is hosted by Zak Bagans.
The most popular legend attached to the inn is that of The Witch's Room. In the 1500s, a woman was burned at the stake for "the practice of witchcraft" on the property. According to legend, she attempted to hide out in one of the rooms of the house before she was captured and executed. Her spirit allegedly still haunts the room to this day.
The current owner of the inn, John Humphries, has also seen and experienced episodes of the paranormal. He says that on the first night that he stayed in the building, he was grabbed by a demonic presence, and dragged out of his bed and across the room. He has also found what he believes to be evidence of Devil worship and ritual sacrifice on the property.
The most haunted room in the inn is said to be the Bishop's Room, on the first floor. When the building was actually operating as an inn, guests did not want to sleep in that room, and many ended up leaving in the middle of the night. Legend says that the room is haunted by the ghost of an ancient monk.
4. The Queen Mary Hotel - Long Beach, California

She may look like the Titanic, but the Queen Mary is actually larger then that. It is often referred to as the most haunted ship in America. From 1930 until October 1967, the Queen Mary was actually a working ocean liner, but has been docked in Long Beach, California since December 1967.
Sightings of ghostly encounters and other paranormal experiences have been reported on the ship for decades. The most prominent of these being, guests hearing children laughing when there are clearly no children present, and smelling cigar smoke on what is now a non-smoking environment.
Although the entire ship is said to be haunted, B Deck is where the majority of the reported paranormal activity has been reported. Room B340 is no longer available for passengers to book because of the level of activity that has taken place in that room, forcing many past guests to flee in the middle of their stay.
Ships have a long history of ghostly legends (The Flying Dutchmen for instance) but the Queen Mary is one of the more documented examples in modern time.
5. Akershus Fortress - Oslo, Norway

Scandinavia, the ancestral home of the vikings, has a long history of war, death, and pain. So when Akershus Fortress is dubbed Norway's most haunted building, you can take that to the bank. The exact date that construction began on the fortress is unknown, but many believe it to have started sometime around 1290.
The castle was originally built as a defensive strong-hold for protecting Oslo, Norway's capital city. But the fortress was also used as a prison, complete with medieval style dungeons. One section of the prison was know as The Slavery. Prisoners who were kept here could be rented out for work to the city on any number of jobs. Political prisoners were also housed here, especially after the 1852 Laestadian Sámi revolt. With the exception of two men, every man associated with that event was held here, most of them ended up dying inside the confines of their cells.
The most common paranormal experiences that are reported within the walls of Akerhus are, the sound of crying echoing through the halls without any apparent source, as well as strange and unexplained shadows that appear on the walls throughout the building.