Everyone finds themselves smelling off from time to time. Sometimes it's simply because you forgot to apply deodorant before leaving the house in the morning, and other times, it could be that you wore your running shoes without socks on a hot summer day.
However, if you start to notice that there certain smells emitting from your body that you just can't get rid of, then you might be experiencing symptoms of a possibly serious condition.

Admittedly, it can be an embarrassing topic for some people to discuss, but it is very important for everyone to be able to recognize the signs that indicate your body may be out of whack.
Here are five signs you should always watch out for:
1. Repugnant urine
No one should expect their urine to have a pleasant odor, but that doesn't mean that it's okay for it to smell really bad. A strong-smelling, cloudy urine could be an indication of a urinary tract infection (UTI).
If you notice additional symptoms, including frequent urination, chills, and a burning sensation when you pee, then it's time to pay the doctor a visit.
2. Persistent Bad Breath
Unlike movies and television shows, it's almost impossible to wake up with a nice-smelling breath after a deep sleep.
However, if you notice that your breath is sour more often than not, then there's a good chance that it is being caused by an underlying condition. Halitosis is a symptom of a number of conditions like gum disease, sinus infections and sleep apnea.
On the other hand, if you notice that your breath is more fruity than stinky, this could be a sign of diabetes. Those with Type 1 diabetes experience diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), a complication that occurs when the body runs low on insulin, which hinders the body's ability to break down fatty acids like acetone. The build up of these acids trigger a fruity smell from your breath.
3. Stinky Feet
It's understandable when you suffer more instances of stinky feet during the summer months, but if your shoes are constantly smelly even when it's cold out, then you might have a more serious problem.
The odor from your feet may be caused by fungal conditions like athlete's foot. Also known as tinea pedis, the infection often occurs due to improper foot hygiene, and when left untreated, it could become a superinfection. Thankfully, athlete's foot can be easily taken care of with anti-fungal medications.
4. Foul-smelling stool

Of course, poop stinks, but sometimes it can give off an unusually foul odor. While your diet plays a factor (lactose intolerance), it's also important to note that it isn't always to blame. An extra stinky stool, especially if it appears dark and tarry, could indicate melena, a condition caused by upper gastrointestinal bleeding. This requires immediate medical care, so do not hesitate to see a doctor.
5. Fishy-smelling vagina

Vaginas are complicated. Each one has a different odor and even then, it changes with age and during different times of the month, but if you keep noticing a fishy small every time you take off your panties, it's time to get checked.
The smell may be brought on by a number of things, including bacterial vaginosis (BV), which is caused by an overgrowth of natural occurring bacteria. Other symptoms include itchiness, and a gray, watery discharge.
Stinky body parts isn't exactly a dinner table topic of conversation, but that doesn't mean it should off-limits at all times. We can all do our part in making the conversation more open by letting our friends and family know about these signs.
Have you ever experienced any of these body odors?
For tips on how to control certain body odors, check these out: