Health | Did You Know

These 4 Signs Prove That You Are Already In Perfect Health


By now, many of your friends will be stressed out about keeping up with their New Years Resolutions.

A lot of them may have signed onto gyms, running groups, or high-activity sports teams in the hopes that they can bring themselves into their healthiest state.

Some people will get depressed in their attempts to try and reach impossible standards that they set for themselves. But what is healthy, really?

Turns out, good health has very little to do with your appearance or how often you go to the gym. In fact, pushing yourself too hard for too long can lead to problems with your overall well-being.

Here are the definitive signs of good health for eveyone!

Food Patience

Too many people are obsessed with what foods they are eating, and limiting how many calories they intake in a day.

But really, the sign of good health is when you only eat when you start to get hungry, and then stop when you feel full.

This is a sure-fire sign that you are in touch with your body's internal signals, and not forcing it from external cues.

Flight Expert

You don't have to be a marathon runner to be in good shape. The benchmark that most doctors use for good health is the ability to make it up two flights of stairs.

You're also allowed to be tired afterwards!

You Can Do What You Want

Some people have the urge to swim across lakes, or climb mountains, but your aspirations could be a walk around the block and still count yourself among the fit clique.

If you have the energy to walk the dog or take the stairs and that is all you want to do, then you're already healthy enough.

Wake Up Call

Getting a good night's sleep is your best bet to improving your health, but a sign that you're already in good standing is if you can wake up on your own time!

While most people on unhealthy sleep cycles need an alarm (or several) to wake up, if you can rise when you need to it means you are resting at your optimal level!

Are you in good health standing? Share your secrets with us in the comments!

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