Bradley had a rough start to his life. He was hit by a car which resulted in his leg being paralyzed and eventually amputated. But luckily for him, Charley Desrochers and his girlfriend found him and brought him home.
While Bradley recovered from his surgery, his owner decided to have a little fun with his new buddy. Instead of making his missing leg a sad thing, he decided to add a cartoon leg that makes everyone smile.

"I'm a big fan of Photoshop in the sense of putting shark heads into the bodies of the cast of Sherlock Holmes," Desrochers explained. "So when I was riffing with Marianne one day and thought how funny would it be if he had a little cartoon arm instead that did people things."

Desrochers has always been a big fan of dogs and gives them a little personality in his head. He says "I try to keep it to myself most of the time I but I'm pretty good at impressions so when I see a dog like a English bulldog, I can't help but to throw on a Winston Churchill and act like him begging for a biscuit is also negotiating peace in World War II."
More of Bradley on the next page!
Bradley has a voice like Mickey Mouse, which is well suited to the white glove on the end of his cartoon arm!

Desrochers started an Instagram for Bradley where he shares all of his hilarious drawings.
The feedback has been great and many people send them pictures of their "tri-paws" and he loves it. He says, "I definitely didn't have a goal or a cause when I made this but I love that it's normalizing having a amputee animals."

You should definitely go check out the Instagram and see just how many of these hilarious pictures there are!