If there's one thing cats are good at, it's knocking over any expensive knickknacks in your home. But if there's two things cats are good at, it's falling asleep in the most unlikely places.
Most cats sleep at least 16 hours per day. When you spend that much time napping, it actually becomes hard to fit into your busy schedule.
So to make sure they get all their beauty sleep, cats are prone to dozing in some uncomfortable and downright strange spots.
Enjoy these 25 pictures of odd catnaps. After all, it's good for you health.
1. The cat-grass is growing in nicely...
2. The face of an angel
3. Napping is a team sport
4. This is a little unfair for the first kitten
5. A pocket-sized snoozer
Click the "next page" buttons to see the rest of the photos!
Uncomfortable naps aren't the only habit that all house cats share. You can actually trick them into staying put with a few pieces of tape. Who would've guessed?
Maybe these cute critters aren't as smart as dogs, but there's no denying they're totally adorable, even when they're just lying around.
6. Someone fell asleep while birdwatching
7. A subtle way of saying "that's enough work for today"
8. Just hanging out
9. "This bed is just my size!"
10. It's not comfy, but it's warm
What is it about sinks that makes cats love to curl up and snooze? They hate water, so you think they would avoid the tap like their life depended on it.
Maybe the bowl is just too perfectly cat-shaped for them to resist?
11. Don't even think of touching that tap...
12. This is mine... and this is also mine
13. I think I found the jam in the copier...
14. This picture is breaking a lot of stereotypes
15. Ok, this can't be comfortable
It seems like there are lots of pets falling asleep on books and computers too. Cats do love to bug us while we're getting work done. It could be that when we're at work all day, they're studying up at home.
Could they be planning world domination, or just trying to get a GED? I guess we'll never know unless we catch them napping while they're hitting the books.
16. If the shoe fits
17. "Oh, don't let me bother you human, keep working..."
18. Am I in your way?
19. Gotta study for the big test tomorrow...
20. Well, I guess technically he's on the bed
Not all cats are lucky enough to be spoiled with a cat-sized room of their own to relax in, so they make do wherever they can. Some pets find themselves in pretty precarious spots, but luckily cats always land on their feet (we hope!).
21. This takes real skill
22. I get nervous just looking at this!
23. That's not how to use a chair!
24. Do you mind?
25. All this paperwork...I'll do it tomorrow instead!
If you need more adorable cat photos to brighten your day, you can't go wrong with these ones!
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