Moms - we can say with authority - do not get enough credit for everything they do. Aside from the fact that none of us would even exist without one, they do all the hard work of keeping everyone in their family happy and healthy.
As it turns out, motherhood in the animal kingdom is very similar. Loving parents are protective, adorable and exhausted, whether they're humans, elephants or dogs.
To prove just how much we have in common with canines, we've collected 19 photos that will be very relatable to anyone who's done the hard work of raising a family.
1. That exciting feeling when you take your maternity photos...

2. ...compared to taking your newborn photos

3. When your kids fall asleep in your arms

4. Then it's naptime for mommy too

5. But your new sleep schedule will take some getting used to

6. Volunteering to take the neighborhood kids to the park

7. Realizing you don't have everything under control like you thought

8. Then later you take the kids home, but they STILL have energy

9. That's when you need some quiet a different part of the house

Click the next page for more cute pictures!
10. Enjoying the quiet time during a family meal....while it lasts
By the way, if you need any quick and easy meal ideas for this week's family dinner, you can't go wrong with these slow cooker recipes.
Or if you just need something to keep your little ones occupied for a while, you can't go wrong with these fun retro crafts.
Whatever your method is, don't forget to plan some "me-time" every day!

11. "One more story mom, pleeeeease!"

12. You have to hand it to your kids...they inherited all your good looks

13. Maybe you should take one of those sweet, artsy photos for Facebook

14. As if all your friends don't know the truth

15. You never expected how hectic shopping with kids could be

16. But at least it's a good workout

17. And you have to admit, you love every moment you spend with your children...

18. ...even when they just won't stop talking!

19. "Don't forget! We're taking pictures with your grandparents today!"
So remember to be proud of your kids - they owe all their success to you!

Share these pictures with a mom to make her smile!