Having a cat is a lot of work.
They don't really care about anything but themselves? And they can also cost a lot of money with all the food, toys, and damaged furniture.
You can sleep a little easier tonight knowing there are ways to combat most of the problems that are associated with owning a cat. Except for their attitude. I can't change that for you.
1. Litterbox Hideout

If there's a cabinet you never use, make it the litterbox home! Take the panel out of the door and add some curtains. A little privacy for the cat, a little less stink for you!
2. All Cats Are Outdoor Cats

You can buy small patches of fake grass, or use the real stuff if you want to take care of it, so that your cat has a taste of the outdoors while still being inside!
3. Stairway To Heaven

Cats love looking out windows, and sometimes the best view is too high up. You can use small floating shelves to build a little staircase to the higher spots so your cat doesn't injure themselves trying to jump up.
4. Welcome to the jungle (gym!)

If you have an old bookshelf hanging around, cut holes in the shelves to make it like a little playground for your cat! Adding carpet to the levels makes it extra fun.
5. Relax, man!

Using fabric and velcro, make your cat a tiny hammock underneath a coffee table!
6. Kitty Puzzle

Take an old plastic container and fill it with toys and treats. Then cut holes in the top and watch your cat spend hours trying to get everything out!
7. DIY Scratching Post

Toilet brushes make great scratching posts, but make sure it's not one that will fall apart easily!
8. To the window, to the wall!

Gluing some carpet to a small piece of wood and then fastening it on your wall is a quick and easy way to make your own scratching post.
9. Whack-A-Mole

Filling an empty Kleenex box with toilet paper rolls will give your cat hours of entertainment as they try and get into each one.
10. Nail Caps

De-clawing your cat is extremely inhumane, while cutting their nails can be a bit of a hassle. Nail caps are an alternative if scratching up furniture is really that big of a concern for you.
11. High As a Kite

Growing your own cat nip can save you a lot of money in the long run, and it also gives your cat a constant stash.
12. Rubber Gloves

If you need to get cat hair off your furniture, but on a rubber glove and rub your hand along it! The static will attract the hair!
13. Burn Bright

Candle flames will attract fleas into the jar, which will keep them off your cat!
14. Slow down!

Putting your cat's food on a shallow plate will prevent them from eating so quickly, and hopefully prevent them from throwing up.
15. Sticky Business

Cats hate anything sticky, so if there's really something you don't want them going on, use double-sided sticky tape to keep them away.
16. Dryer Sheets
If you don't have a lint roller handy, cat hair comes off easily with a dryer sheet!