Are you ready to find out the weirdest animal names? No, you're not. But we're going there anyways.
1. White-bellied go-away-bird
While it sounds like a mean name you'd call your siblings when you were little, the white-bellied go-away-bird is found in Africa, with typical calls like a nasal haa-haa-haa and a single or repeated gwa (or g'away).
2. Mountain Chicken
PSYCH! It's not a chicken at all! It's really just a large, loud frog. It's often hunted for food in the Caribbean.
3. Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla
Latin names count too, right? The Western Lowland Gorilla's trinomial taxonomic name is literally Gorilla gorilla gorilla.
4. Tasseled Wobbegong
This is actually a type of shark which is found in the shallow coral reef off Northern Australia.
5. Colon Rectum
This type of beetle was named in 1933 by entomologist Melville H. Hatch. He's also named insects with similarly: Colon forceps, Colon monstrosum, Colon grossum, and Colon horni.
6. Dik-dik
This tiny antelope lives in eastern and southern Africa. They are named after the calls the females make.
7. Sarcastic fringehead
While it sounds like what my parents probably referred to me while growing up, the sarcastic fringehead is known for its "large mouth and aggressive territorial behavior."
8. Fried Egg Jellyfish
Does this need to be explained? I hope not.
9. Spiny Lumpsucker
A fish found commonly in the north Pacific Ocean, the "sucker" part refers to the fish's modified pelvic fins.
10. Pink Fairy Armadillo
Nicknamed the "sand-swimmer" because it can "burrow through the ground as fast as a fish can swim in the sea."
11. Blobfish
Yet another name that needs no explanation.
12. Boop Boops

Why do fish have the weirdest names? Boop Boops got their name from their large bug eyes.
13. Screaming Hairy Armadillo
The cute little creature screeches and squeals when it is handled or feels threatened (so do I).
14. Tufted Titmouse
Look how cute!! Not a mouse at all!
15. Sparklemuffin
BYE. Don't care how cute the spider is. I will not even pretend to like it.