We've all been there. It's 7am, your alarm goes off, and all you can think about is how tired you still are.
When you were a kid, the response would be "Just 5 more minutes, mom!" but as an adult you just hit the snooze button 4 times until you're officially late for work.
These animals are also requesting 5 more minutes, but instead of being late for work they're just incredibly cute.
1. This little fella, who is zonk'd after a long road trip.

2. When you're this tired, you'll sleep anywhere!

3. When there's already someone in the bed but you just NEEEEED a nap.

4. He could probably use his own ears as a blanket.

Continue to the next page to see where one boxer ended up dozing!
When we first got my cat, her favorite place to sleep was under the couch. There really was no rhyme or reason, she just really enjoyed sleeping under the couch.
It seems animals just have places they love to sleep. Whether it's the darkness, the smells, the softness, we'll never know.
But what we DO know is that regardless of where the are, they're cute as heck.
5. "Today we are having boxer with a side of cuteness."

6. If a cat wants to sit somewhere, they will sit. Regardless of whether or not a dog is already there.

7. Poor Great Danes. Never a chair big enough to accommodate their long legs.

8. How is this comfortable??

9. When you wanna sleep but your show is coming up next.

10. Guess I'm only going out with one boot on today.

11. Same.

12. When your S/O is hogging all the covers and spreads out on the bed and you've gotta improvise.

13. This is basically what a Monday looks like.

14. Wait no...THIS is what a Monday is.

15. Whatever makes you happy.