Miss Molly spent her whole life with her best friend. 14 years with one human but then her owner's health started to fail. Miss Molly was brought to the Animal Rescue League of Boston back in December to try and find a new home that could give her the love she needed.
Enter Olivia! About two months into her stay at the shelter, Miss Molly still hadn't found a home. But when Olivia saw those big blue eyes online she knew she was the one.
"I found Miss Molly on Petfinder after months of searching for the right cat. I know I wanted a senior cat because I wanted to make sure an older cat wasn't left in a shelter for the last few years of their life," Olivia said to LoveMeow.
Olivia drove the hours to the shelter and when she walked into the closure it was almost as if Miss Molly knew it was time for her to go to a new home. "Molly was napping on the highest shelf in her enclosure and climber right down to greet me," Olivia recalled of their first meeting.
She was friendly and outgoing and there was no doubt in Olivia's mind that Molly would be coming home with her. As soon as they were home Molly jumped onto the bed and fell asleep.
"Miss Molly enjoys throwing hair ties in the air and pouncing on them. She is very playful despite her age and loves to run around chasing the laser pointer," her new owner says of the senior cat.
This sweet little angel is lucky to have found a new home for the remaining years of her life as a lot of senior cats are ignored at the shelters. If you are looking for a new feline friend to add to your household consider a senior cat! They have so much love to give and just need someone to give it to!
If you want to keep up with Miss molly you can follow her on Instagram.