We love our kids. They're bundles of joy and curiosity and we would literally do anything to keep them out of harms way. Parenting is certainly a trail by fire, and along the way we've picked up a few tips and tricks to make it more bearable.
Here's some truths that all mothers should know. And if you don't, then don't worry, you're not alone!
It's always important to start the day off right
Tried to sleep in today but my toddler just stood outside my door yelling, "SOMEONE no want to be my friend" until I gave up.
— Unfiltered Mama (@UnfilteredMama) December 30, 2017
Feeding time is all the time
Science says humans can go weeks without food and yet my kids can't get buckled up in the car before asking for snacks.
— Toni Hammer (@realtonihammer) July 16, 2017
The worst part of having kids? Maybe not, but still
I am "someone on twitter told me to be the bigger person and I said I am the bigger person and cried" weeks pregnant
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) January 4, 2018
He's got a problem alright...
*Jack ignoring everyone*
— Jack's Dad (@DaddingAround) January 14, 2018
Wife: Do you think he might have a problem with his hearing?
Me: Yeah, the kid who can hear me open a pack of chocolate from 3 rooms away has a hearing problem. 🙄#parenting
We love this!!! @katiebinghamsmith pic.twitter.com/MhLpx7LGbe
— Night Ollie (@NightOllie) November 2, 2017
"Please get up off the ground...please..."
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that toddler tantrums are 1000% louder in Costco.
— Ramblin' Mama (@ramblinma) January 4, 2018
It's nice to be respected
— TheAlexNevil (@TheAlexNevil) January 5, 2018
-kids, to almost everything
If it seems like it's too good to be true...
Kids: *playing quietly together*
— Lurkin' Mom (@LurkAtHomeMom) January 4, 2018
Me: Is this a dream?
Alarm Clock: lol yes.
Are these hitting home yet? Keep reading to check out more of these truths you can't avoid!
Some say growing up is an improvement
Teenagers are fun because they can be mad at us about things that haven't even happened yet.
— Grown and Flown (@GrownandFlown) January 5, 2018
Most of parenting is yelling "Hey!" while being ignored.
— Jennifer S. White (@yenniwhite) January 4, 2018
We have to look out for each other
I follow the golden rule of mom code. I won't give your kids slime if you don't give mine slime.
— OneFunnyMummy (@OneFunnyMummy) January 3, 2018