The era of Dean Martin was something we all long to return to. In a time of cowboys, gallant men, and real talent, Martin was a stand-out among everyone else.

Along with Jerry Lewis, Martin ruled the Golden Age of Hollywood. Martin could sing, dance, and act, which is something more actors today couldn't even imagine.
"Dean onstage was dynamite"”a charming guy. A guy with style," said Don Rickles of the triple threat.

One of Martin's most overlooked movies is Rio Bravo, the 1959 Western film starring John Wayne, Dean Martin, and Ricky Nelson.
"To watch 'Rio Bravo' is to see a master craftsman at work," Roger Ebert wrote about the movie. "The film is seamless. There is not a shot that is wrong. It is uncommonly absorbing, and the 141-minute running time flows past like running water."
While many people will remember Wayne's performance, few recall the beautiful song sung by Martin and Nelson.
Martin and Nelson sing "My Rifle, My Pony, and Me," with just a guitar for accompaniment. It's beautifully sung and reminds us of the good old times, when music was about the simple melody instead of the over-worked vocals.
While filming the movie Nelson turned 18 years old, and his co-stars wanted to celebrate accordingly. Wayne and Martin threw the already-established TV star into 300lbs of bull manure! Talk about a stinky situation!
Take a listen to Martin and Nelson singing "My Rifle, My Pony, and Me." I remember sitting with my dad watching this film, and hearing this song brings back those memories all over again!